A short story is a literary form of writing. A
short story is shorter than a novel. A small number of characters and a
unified theme often characterizes a short story. A short story reveals many obstacles, dilemmas, and questions. The short story is the best medium of writing.
A short story is a brief work of fiction.
After reading this article, you will be
able to write a short story. Get help from academic writing services on writing a short story.
Here are guidelines on writing a short story
Come up with a plot:
can start writing with a simple plot. The plot is the arrangement of the events
in a short story. You think about the plot of your short story. You can read
many others short stories to find a better plot. The plot should be simple and
classical. You can try a complicated plot in your story.
Focus on the
protagonist: You should focus on the main character of the story. Most
short stories will focus on one to two main characters at the most. The central
character of the short story can be not too good or not too bad. You can think
about the main character who has a clear desire. The central character could be
full of contradiction. A short story can famous with a famous central
Pick an interesting
setting: For the most effective short story, an interesting setting is most
important. The setting is the key element of the short story. You can stick an
interesting setting for your short story.
Think about a
particular theme: The theme of the short story is most important. Many short
stories centre on a theme and explore it from the point of view of the main
character. In the theme, all part can be interlinked and intermingled. The
theme is the effective part of the short story. You can also focus on a
specific theme like “ adore between two friends” and “ desire for companionship”.
You should think about the particular theme of your short story.
Plan an emotional
climax: You should plan an emotional climax in the short story. A good short story
has a shattering moment. The main character reaches an emotional high point. If
a good person falls from prosperity to adversity, its action will create an
emotional climax in the story. The fall of a
bad person will not arouse the feeling of pity and fear. The tragedy
with the central character of the short story will arouse the emotional scene.
You can plan an emotional climax in a short story.
Think about an effective conclusion: You should avoid writing a
conclusion with casual words like as “in the conclusion “or “to summing up.”
These words will leave a bad impact on
the readers. You should not give, your
reader a false sense of security, where they think they know how the story is
going to end. Your ending is the last impression you will leave on the reader.
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